Sonnenborne Hall is maintained 和 operated by Marquis Services Inc. a small, family-owned company. Ingredients are locally sourced whenever possible 和 Marquis strives to keep the menu fresh, fun 和 nutritious. Special 事件 such as Chinese New Year, Fourth of July picnics, Awards Ceremony steak dinners, Thanksgiving 和 Christmas themed dinners, 和 more are celebrated festively.
We like to make our food from scratch!
On The Menu
Breakfast Menu
- Cold Cereal \\ granola (3 types), Frosted Flakes, Cherrios, Sugar Pops, Fruit Loops, Apple Jacks
- Hot Cereal \\ one each morning such as oatmeal, cream of wheat, grits
- Fresh Whole Fruit
- Fresh Cut Fruit
- Yogurt \\ strawberry, blueberry, vanilla, cottage cheese
- Assorted breads 和 bagels \\ choices of butter, cream cheese, grape jelly, strawberry jame, apple butter, peanut butter, 能多益.
午餐 Menu
- Choice of two Hot Entrées \\ each meal will have a vegetable, protein, 和 starch
- Soup of the Day \\ chicken noodle, potato, vegetable, chili, lentil
- Fresh Whole Fruit
- Rotating Side Dishes \\ broccoli salad, cole slaw, chicken salad, pasta salads, spinich 和 strawberries
- Salad Bar
- Made-to-Order Deli Bar
晚餐 Menu
- Choice of two Hot Entrées \\ each meal will have a vegetable, protein, 和 starch
- Rotating Side Dishes \\ broccoli salad, cole slaw, chicken salad, pasta salads, spinich 和 strawberries
- Fresh Whole Fruit
- Salad Bar
- Delicious desserts \\ brownies, puddings, ice cream, cakes